Wednesday 26 February 2014

Photo Noir - The Art of Cornel Lucas

Make your way down to the wonderful, brutalist National Theatre on the Southbank for this free exhibition of photographic portraits by Cornel Lucas. It really is terrific. Lucas, who died nearly two years ago, was an inventive and pioneering film photographer who combined superb technique with an eye for the striking.

There's some great shots of Brigitte Bardot (who he wisely got drunk before shooting), Dirk Bogarde, Alec Guinness, Katherine Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich et al. The best in my opinion would be this portrait of Joan Collins (1952, above) and a once in a lifetime shot of a stuntman doing his thing (1950). The exhibition runs until the 29th of March.

Quilp Shoes

I was walking around the stalls at London Fashion Week when these rather natty-looking shoes caught my attention. Designed by Japanese Masao Morishita and made in Northampton by Trickers, they combine traditional attention to detail with a bit of modern snap.
The range is called 'Quilp' named after the dwarf from Dickens' Old Curiosity Shop who had a "ghastly smile... appearing to be the mere result of habit and to have no connexion with any mirthful or complacent feeling." At least he wore good shoes.

Visit or make your way to Trickers 67 Jermyn Street, London.

Thursday 20 February 2014

South London Style - Chris Lam

Chris is co-director at scarf designers Cléo Ferin Mercury. I caught up with him at London Fashion Week where he was showing off the new collection. Cléo Ferin Mercury's scarves are primarily for women, but there's a few items for the gents. I particularly like her Jaguar Scarf which Chris is wearing here - a nice riposte to the fur trade (see second picture below).

Chris's outfit

Glasses - Moscot. Visit or Liberty London.

Scarf - Pure silk 'Night Jaguar Scarf'

Shirt - "This is from J Crew. But actually it belongs to my boyfriend!"

Jeans - Levis vintage z xx 501s. Visit

Socks - "Can't remember. Old red ones."

Shoes - "These are Grensons brogues. They're a bit slippy today in the rain!"

Night Jaguar Scarf - Cléo Ferin Mercury

Sunday 9 February 2014

Kananga Water

Your scent should be as personal as your style. When shopping for a cologne you need take in to account a number of factors. Do you need a strong or subtle fragrance? Something classic or modern? How does the way you smell work with your outfit? How does it reflect your personality even? Really though, there's only one way to get it right, and that's just to try them out and see what works for you.

Kananga Water is an woody, potent traditional cologne based upon the essential oil of Ylang Ylang. It originates from Jamaica and is also popular amongst the African community in London. Rather like Florida Water Kananga is widely used within voodoo culture where it is viewed as a kind of holy water.

I'd recommend Murray & Lanman's inexpensive variety. You can find it in most African hair shops or even on ebay. Dash a little on the face as an aftershave. It's particularly warming on a cold winters day. Only put a little on though. Kananga Water is powerful stuff, masculine in an old fashioned way.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Kristian Hammerstad

Kristian Hammerstad is a Norwegian illustrator who trained at Central St. Martins, London. I've long been a fan of his work. I especially like his cover for the new Penguin Essentials edition of A Clockwork Orange.
You can buy this great A3 poster he designed for London band The Severed Limb. Funds help record their new album! Buy here.

Monday 3 February 2014

South London Style - Charlie Boxer

Charlie Boxer runs the Italo Delicatessen in Bonnington Square, Vauxhall. He opened shop five years ago and it's quickly gained the reputation of being one of the best places to eat in South London. My personal favourite is his rosemary ham, which goes nicely with a bit of mustard. When I stopped in, chef Richard had made a tasty Garbure with duck, pork and black cabbage. I'd also recommend going on a Saturday morning, for a coffee and pastry or a fine cooked breakfast.

Charlie's outfit

Headwear - Tweed cap from Brixton Market

Glasses - "These are actually 'Boxer' glasses, named after my family. They're made by a friend of mine called Gillian Caplan at Spex in the City in 7 Dials, Covent Garden."

Jumper - Lambs wool from Uniqlo

Shirt - Fine blue corduroy. "Probably a present."

Apron - Black cotton 

Jeans - "Grey denim. Uniqlo again."

Boots - "My favourite Justin boots are being re-soled at the moment. (My son) Jackson bought them for me. Today I'm wearing some black shoes by Loakes."
